Forum Topic - *P365 - 1/13/11

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 7:15 AM, Jan 13, 2011

Great morning to you!! I hope you are not snowed under... or if you are, if you have heat and a big cup of hot chocolate at the computer with you this morning!  Today, I thought I'd chat with you a little about the reason we all decide to scrapbook.  Consider for a moment what your motivation is for this hobby or life mission - depending on how you look at it.  Is it strictly for entertainment purposes?  Do you use it to connect to new friends on sites like ours?  Do you use it to satisfy your creative itch?  Do you use it to provide a tangible account of the happenings in your family's life?  Or, are you - like me - scrapping for all of those reasons?  Most people have some combination of reasons why they like, or LOVE to scrap.  Consider what you are trying to accomplish and it will help you keep your project online and on track.  If you just want a "daily snapshot" of life in your family - then don't stress yourself out by trying to create a masterpiece page every day.  If you want to (and have time to) create a masterpiece page every day, celebrate that.  But keep in mind too, what are you going to DO with this "Project 365" when the year is over?  If you don't think you'll ever get it printed - because of the cost or the size, consider doing a weekly page with all the happenings of that week, or a "monthly" highlights or monthly "Top 10" page to keep the project more manageable.  Whatever the form it takes, enjoy it - above all else it should be fun!

I found a great FREE workshop over at for beginners that - even though directed at traditional paper scrappers, could be a valuable resource for great ideas!  Sometimes, it's great to go back to the basics and pick up something new that you might not have considered before!  So, check it out - it's a daily emailed workshop, so you'll get a little email every day with an idea or project lesson to help you along the way!  Hope you enjoy it!

Check it out, and sign up today - it's FREE!  Have an amazing (even if it's chilly) morning... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]