Forum Topic - P365 1/06/2011

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 4:31 AM, Jan 06, 2011

So... how's it going?  How are you coming so far?  Are you remembering to take a photo a day?  If you are, that's awesome - every day is an accomplishment.  If you've missed a couple days already - no worries... it's HARD to keep up and remember in our busy lives.  DON'T GIVE UP - maybe consider altering your plan into a weekly page that incorporates your weekly photos into one scrapbook page - that's still 52 PAGES in a year!  That's a HUGE accomplishment!  You can do whatever you want - how ever you tailor the project, make it work for you.  Some people do a "Top 10" for each month and highlight what was awesome and sometimes what was ordinary for that month.  It's just about preserving your family's story...  that's the only thing you need to do.  However you get there - that's up to you!

Today, why not consider spending a little bit of time organizing your photo folders for the coming year.  Make it easier on yourself as the year goes on.  Our Suite Chick, Jessica - did a GREAT job on a video for us recently going over how she organizes her pictures.  Didn't require purchasing any other software, any other tools than you already have on your PC or your MAC.  This is some great information, but again it's about finding what works for YOU!

So, check it out and see what you think - a little time NOW will save you a TON of time later!  Thanks again Jess for the GREAT video!


... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]

Jessica Creedon
Posted at 4:43 PM, Jan 11, 2011

Thanks Lisa.....I can assure everyone that once you get your old photos organized it will be a breeze going forward!  If you are feeling overwhelmed...start now and worry about your "old" pictures another time!!!!  Good luck! Jessica