It was Boris Karloff… A quick little story.. My family which has 2 3 year olds and one 4 year old were driving in the car on the way to go grocery shopping. The song your a mean one mister grinch came on the radio… I was singing along since it is such a cute song. My 4 year old in the back started to cry. I stopped singing and asked him why was he crying. He responded with great gasps that this song is so scary and the grinch is so mean and he is going to come and take away our Christmas. I quickly assured him that no the Grinch was not going to take away Christmas that it would be okay. He then responded but mommy the song said so. I told him it was just pretend… he answered back well I don’t like to pretend! WE quickly laughed about the song and changed the station. Yesterday at the mall the song came on again and he told me lets get out of here! That song is not nice!