I have the trial version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and I am really frustrated.
Is this program worth the purchase?
So far I can do all the basic functions but I really wanted to for fixing large imperfections like deleting objects in the background. I have watched the tutorial and read the help but it keeps blending with objects I don’t want even though I have selected what pixels I want it to match.
One photo is my son and there is an ugly lamp behind him. I tried to match it to the wall color but it blends in part of his skin tone, so there is also beige with the blue on the wall. I tried doing a selection of him then doing it like the help said but do I have to do a selection of the background instead.
I don’t know if I want to purchase this program if I have to take a course to figure it out. I’m usually pretty computer savvy, but I don’t know their lingo. I think I need a book for dummies or something. I wanted it for the advanced functions but I need more guidance?