MyMemories Forum User - Jessica Creedon

Topics Started

Topic Date Created
Jessica's Speed Scrap 4/30 04/30/2011 19:23:26
Spring into Scrappin' Day 13 04/15/2011 05:36:14
Spring into Scrappin' Day 12 04/15/2011 05:35:14
Spring into Scrappin' Day 11 04/15/2011 05:34:14
Spring into Scrappin' Day 10 04/11/2011 05:12:05
Spring into Scrappin' Day 9 04/11/2011 05:10:40
Spring into Scrappin' Day 8 04/11/2011 05:09:02
Spring into Scrappin' Day 7 04/07/2011 19:18:40
Spring into Scrappin' Day 6 04/06/2011 19:54:27
Spring into Scrappin' Day 5 04/06/2011 05:32:53


Post Topic Date Last Modified


Step 1: Choose 3 photos.
Step 2: Choose at least 4 papers (at least 2 must be patterned)
Step 3: Frame or mat at least 1 photo.
Step 4: Use at least 3 of the following: stitchiing, ribbon, string or fasteners.
Step 5: Add at least 4 elements
Step 6: Use an alphabet for your title.
Step 7: Finish it off…shadows, date and anything else you want to include! I hope you had fun!!!! Don’t forget to post!!!! ♥ Jessica

Jessica's Speed Scrap 4/30 04/30/2011 19:23:26

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 13 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!
I am loving all the “J” pages!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “K”. 

Some of you expressed that you didn’t like the “wavy” word challenge… you have a chellenge that is completely different from wavy words….I hope you like it!!!
  Have fun……and don’t forget to post!
Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!

Here is the link to Spring into Scrappin’ Day 13

I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 13 04/15/2011 05:36:14

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 12 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!
You guys are rockin’ out some pretty awesome “I” pages!!!   Today’s letter of the day is “J”. 
You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!
Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to
Spring into Scrappin’ Day 12
I am excited to share this journey with you!

Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 12 04/15/2011 05:35:14

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 11 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!
I haven’t had a chance to look at your pages from this weekend, but I will make the time today!!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “I”. 
You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!
Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to
Spring into Scrappin’ Day 11
I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 11 04/15/2011 05:34:14

Hello Sandy54, there is an entire series of videos that will give you an awesome feel of how MMS works.  Here is the video and pdf file that talks about using outside content in MMS.  Please feel free to join us on our MMS Facebook page Hope that helps!   Jessica

Making outside kits work with MMS 04/13/2011 17:07:31

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 10 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!

I was so excited to see many of your “G” pages!  They are awesome!!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “H”. 
You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!

Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to Sp
ring into Scrappin’ Day 10
I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 10 04/11/2011 05:12:05

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 9 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!

I was so excited to see many of your “F” pages!  They are awesome!!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “G”. 
You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!

Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to
Spring into Scrappin’ Day 9

I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 9 04/11/2011 05:10:40

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 8 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!

I was so excited to see many of your “E” pages!  They are awesome!!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “F”. 
You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!

Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to
“Spring into Scrappin’ Day 8”

I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 8 04/11/2011 05:09:02
Spring into Scrappin' Day 7 04/07/2011 19:18:40

Good Morning Suite Peeps, I am so happy to be sending you day 6 of our 30 days to a complete ABC Book!
I was so excited to see many of your “C” pages!  They are awesome!!!!  Today’s letter of the day is “D”.  You will notice daily tips and hints on things that you can do to “change things up a bit”!  I hope you enjoy them!   Have fun……and don’t forget to post!
Please feel free to email me or to post on our FB page if you have any questions!!!
Here is the link to
“Spring into Scrappin’ Day 6”
I am excited to share this journey with you!
Have a Suite day!!!!
<3 Jessica

Spring into Scrappin' Day 6 04/06/2011 19:54:27